Lawrence Noyes Seminars





The Masters Association
For Masters and Staff of Enlightenment Intensives

From Lawrence:

If you trained with me as a Master, Master Candidate or Senior Monitor since 1979, come join this Masters Association and let your connection to this amazing work enrich your life even more.

The Association includes conference calls and private mentoring with me along with networking amongst members about Enlightenment Intensives. We cover important topics such as getting the most from taking Enlightenment Intensives, challenges of organizing and staffing them, supporting participants, understanding the divine energies released by this work, and how people can go on after the Intensive is over. I also send out writings from time to time, some from Charles Berner, gleened from old notes and recordings I have. The Association is also a place to announce your upcoming Enlightenment Intensives or your availability to be on staff.

The cost to join is $49/year, charged each September 15th. To register, contact me at

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